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Contact Info:

Prof. Matthew J. Allen

Department of Chemistry Wayne State University 5101 Cass Avenue
Detroit, MI  48202

Tel: (313) 577-2070
Fax: (313) 577-8822


     The Allen laboratory explores the chemistry of the lanthanides relevant to magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and catalysis. We are at the frontier of inorganic chemistry intersecting with organic synthesis, analytical chemistry, and biology. Two major aims in the group are to overcome critical barriers to the advanced use of lanthanide-based contrast agents for MRI and to elucidate mechanistic details of lanthanide-catalyzed organic reactions to help generate improved catalysts. These projects will illuminate fundamental properties of lanthanides. Additionally, they are an inroad toward greatly enhancing the molecular imaging and diagnostic capabilities of MRI and increasing the quality and number of more environmentally benign catalysts for the synthesis of organic molecules.